This blog lists some ways you can get facial rejuvenation without the help of fillers. That is not to say that fillers are going out of fashion. Injectables are and probably always will be a popular means of getting “work done,” since they are quick, accessible, and relatively predictable. However, they come with their own set of challenges: getting regular maintenance shots, spending a considerable amount on each and every fine line, and having needles in your face. So for all those who desire alternatives to fillers, this list is for you.
Another very effective way to deal with sun-damaged skin is through chemical peels since they burn away the outermost sun-stained layer of skin. These are the cheapest and easiest of most skin rejuvenating methods and hence are usually the first steps toward better skin. In-office peels are almost always preferable to the ones done at home because your dermatologist can adjust the composition of each peel to suit your specific skin issues. The glycolic peel is the most favored chemical peel for reversing sun damage.
High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive ultrasound therapy that helps slim down and firm up fatty and loose areas on the face and body without surgery. It must be kept in mind that Ultherapy only fixes mild to mediocre skin sagging. It goes about a much more natural route than the traditional surgical facelift and botox muscle manipulation. The ultrasound waves travel past the surface and deeper into the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production. These are both naturally occurring proteins in the body that work to keep skin healthy and young by providing cellular-level support which makes the skin supple and taut.
RF works best on men and women showing early signs of aging. Dermatologists recommend their patients get the RF treatment soon after they turn 30. To ensure the reproduction of collagen is triggered before the fine lines deepen into creases. And since it’s a natural treatment you will see your skin continuously improve over 5-7 months after being treated. The results are usually expected to last up to a good year.
PRP works by taking a sample of your blood, and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate and remove red blood cells. You’re now left behind with plasma that is rich in platelets (hence the name.) Since platelets help trigger collagen production and increase cell turnover this method forces the body to make new cells to replace the dead ones. This platelet-rich plasma is infused deep into the skin through micro-needling.
Picosecond is a non-invasive technique that uses highly focused energy to target affected areas of the skin. To fix a variety of skin imperfections like melasma, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, photodamage, and even fine lines and wrinkles. This is done by delivering highly intensive energy in short bursts to the affected area. This delivers controlled injury which triggers the body’s own healing process. Collagen production is now stimulated. It is responsible for repairing and rejuvenating the skin picosecond and has been proven to be effective against acne scarring as well. Patients may feel mild but manageable pain with a short downtime of about forty-eight hours.
These procedures work best on men and women showing early signs of aging. Collagen and elastin production falls over time with sun exposure and age. So, it is not advisable to wait too long. This is why most dermatologists recommend their patients get treatment soon after they turn 30. Ensuring the reproduction of collagen is triggered before the fine lines deepen into creases.
In most cases, there are no side effects to these procedures. You might experience some temporary breakouts or subdermal trauma. But that too can be completely avoided if your doctor is gentle and careful with the device. This is why if you have sensitive skin or any condition like rosacea, you must choose an experienced and professional dermatologist. Get your skin checked before treatment because effects vary from area to area and skin to skin. I’ve always enjoyed my experience at Cutera Aesthetics. They have fully qualified trained professionals with exemplary repute and experience preceding them. And their first consultation is free!