Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP as it is more commonly known, has been put to other uses like wrinkle reduction, acne scar removal, and hair loss treatment, and is even being tested out as a temporary breast lift. And while the jury is still out on the last one, we are here to assure you that if you’re looking to get rid of some pesky acne scars, this is the right treatment for you.
How PRP works is by taking a sample of your blood, and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate and remove red blood cells so you’re left behind with plasma that is rich in platelets (hence the name.) Since platelets help trigger collagen production and increase cell turnover this method forces the body to make new cells to replace the dead ones that cause acne scarring. PRP is generally spread topically all over the face for patients with mild scarring or low pain tolerance. But for patients with severe scarring, this platelet-rich plasma is infused deep into the skin through micro-needling.
Microneedling is a process that uses miniature needles usually set in a pen or barrel to roll across the affected area. These tiny needles deliver small injuries under the scarred area. This forces the immune system to kickstart healing by triggering new cell production that can replace the scarred ones. Hyaluronic acid and other healing serums might be applied for increased effectiveness. The needles essentially make micro channels into the affected area. This lets the topically applied plasma seep into the skin for maximum absorption.
Platelets also increase healing by boosting collagen production for smoother skin that brightens successively with each session till the scar has all but vanished. This healing takes time and it varies from person to person and skin to skin. Though the downtime of a PRP session itself is minimal (a couple of days at most,) the number of sessions that the skin will require for the scars to completely fade is extremely subjective- patients may take as little as three sessions or as many as twelve.
I myself did get a few PRP treatments though my acne was mild. And I have to say once you’re over the pain-induced high, the results are noticeable and commendable. But I wouldn’t say immediate. In Fact, right after the treatment, the skin is pink and mildly irritated. However, the glow peeks through after about four to five days if you patiently attend a session every six weeks. There’s a good chance you will be rid of your acne scarring within six months and get glowing skin.
This procedure is a little painful and might take a little getting used to. So if you’re squeamish about needles or have low pain tolerance, consider another treatment. And if you do opt for it you will need to alter your skincare routine a little bit till the length of the procedure. Serums like vitamin C and hyaluronic acid will need to be added. You’ll also need to avoid alpha and beta hydroxy acids and retinol. It is also advisable to discontinue using fragranced products till the treatment is over. The PRP treatment has been declared safe for almost everyone. Except those diagnosed with any skin condition like rosacea, eczema, or active acne. Seek PRP treatment for scars only after your active acne has been completely treated.